This item may only be sold and shipped to persons over the age of 18.
A: Your age has not yet been verified by DHL: Please select the option "Identity and age verification by DHL".
B: For customers from GERMANY: Please select the option "Shipping within Germany: Proof of age by e-mail" and send us a copy of your identity card to id(at)
C: The age check can also be carried out simply and, above all, even faster: Please select "Shipping within Germany: Proof of age with SCHUFA identification check". During the order process, your name, address details and date of birth will be transmitted to SCHUFA and compared. This check is free of charge and has no influence on your SCHUFA score. No storage of your personal data and no credit check takes place.
D: You have already provided proof through a previous purchase from us via the identity and age check by DHL, the verification of valid ID data with our customer service or through the Schufa identification check: Please only select the option "Proof of age already available" in this case.
E: For customers from ABROAD: Please select the option "Shipping abroad: Proof of age by e-mail" and send us a copy of your identity card to id(at)
Important notice: The delivery within Germany ensued "single-handed": only the person named in the delivery address can accept the package with ID card template. Please enter the name and surname of the recipient correctly, otherwise, the parcel cannot be handed over. Direct addressing to post offices, packing stations, neighbours within the scope of a storage contract is therefore not possible. If you are not present at the time of delivery of the parcel, the package will be deposited at the nearest post office and will be available there ready for collection for 7 days by the recipient. Again, a valid identification document is required for the collection.
The requested item quantity is not available. Please enter a smaller quantity.