Archery club support programme

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Apart from our sponsorship program for talented individual archers and our close cooperation with associations, we are also very interested in supporting clubs. Sports promotion starts at the basics. Without the numerous volunteers, archery as we know it would not be possible! To acknowledge this honorary commitment, we have created the BSW club program: We offer all registered clubs an exclusive account with special conditions. You will receive a 10% discount on all non-discounted articles right after registration. Furthermore, depending on your annual turnover, you can even get a price advantage of up to 20% in the next year. Not only does this apply to club equipment such as targets and target faces, but also to group orders for all club members.

Register your club account now and save up to 20%

You can register at any time: Just contact us through our ticket system and select "Club account" as the subject.

Sponsoring at BSW

Promotion is a matter of the heart for us! With our sponsoring program #TeamBogenSportWelt we support talented individual archers in their career. Professional archery is very cost-intensive: Beginning with the equipment, entry fees and ending with travel costs. To ensure that a high potential candidate does not fail due to financial reasons, we support our extended BSW family with first-class equipment.

We also work closely together with the major associations by supporting their programs for young talents, the organization of national and international competitions and special events such as the final of the German Archery League.

On top of that, we also want to support all archers in archery clubs. After all, without organizers and trainers, without shooting ranges and equipment managers, without food stands and referees at competitions "at the base", archery as we know it would hardly be practicable. Besides, our wonderful sport is even more fun in a group anyway, right? This is why it is so important for us to acknowledge your honorary engagement accordingly and to invite you to our club program.

Advantages of a club account - 20% discount

Our club program offers all archers in a registered club a special account with favorable and exclusive conditions. After registration and activation of your club account you will receive an automatic discount of 10% on our entire product range of non-discounted items.. And, depending on your annual turnover, you can even save up to 20% on all articles in the next year! Whether you require new targets, target faces, bows and arrows or backstops - we equip your club and all its members at favorable special conditions. This way more money remains in the club's hands for the promotion of young talents and the countless other important tasks. But not only the accountant will be happy, as our club account can of course also be used for collective orders on behalf of all members. Therefore, everyone in the club will profit in the end.

BogenSportWelt currently already supports far more than 500 archery clubs all over Germany with the special conditions of a club account and we are looking forward to every new club with active archers. Our vision is to make archery a popular sport for the masses. So, join us with your club and take advantage of the BSW promotion now!

Quick and easy registration

Register your club account now and save up to 20%

Your club does not have a club account yet? We can help you out! Just talk to your management/finance manager and contact us with our ticket system (the big red button below). To activate your club account, we only need proof of your registration as a club. This can be a copy of your club rules, the entry in the club register or anything similar. If you attach the copy of your registration, the activation will be even faster.

Still have questions about the club account?

You still have questions about our club program? Our expert advisor Lars not only assists you with all topics about archery, he is also our specialist when it comes to clubs. Lars looks after our club members with all his heart and soul. You can get in touch with him by using our ticket system, just select the subject "Club account", or by phone at +49 (0) 3971 241960.